You are warmly invited to join our first Maastricht Law and Philosophy Graduate Colloquium. The colloquium will work as a space to discuss the ongoing work of three doctoral students in legal philosophy. It will take place on September 23rd from 16:00-19:00 (Amsterdam time). The schedule is as follows:

4pm-4:50pm - Anna Lukina (Cambridge) – “Making Sense of Evil Law”

5pm- 5:55pm Çaglar Çömez (Halle-Wittenberg) – “Kant's Natural Law: Law as a Moral Ideal”

6pm-7pm Henrique Marcos (USP/Maastricht) – “Consistency of Rules in International Law”


Practical Information:

This event is open to all and participation is free of cost. Please note that there are limited places available. For this reason, we kindly ask you to register only if you intend to join the event.

We look forward to seeing you at the colloquium!

Link para fazer a inscrição:  


Esse é apenas um convite para um evento externo. Não somos responsáveis pelas informações acima.

Nota: Amsterdam possui uma diferença de 5h a mais que o horário de Brasília. Assim, o evento inicia às 11h.